Most of Patti's rulings were all correct they were"in the united states copyright protection derives from the us constitution which requires that original works of authorship be protected by copyright"(Patent copyright & trademark pg. 199) she seemed very logical in her findings, and educated. I agree with most everything there isn't much to argue as a musician getting the collaboration agreement's down is majorly important due to my copyright rights are always partial since it is a collaboration "different people can own different rights based on a copyright"(Patent copyright & trademark pg. 222) "a copyright owner can seperately license subparts of each right"(Patent copyright & trademark pg. 222)
intellectual property law is always tricky because its always hard to find out who had the copyright first "initial ownership - copyright in a work protected under this title vests initially in the author or authors of the work. the authors of a joint work are co owners of a copyright in the work"(Patent copyright & trademark pg. 222) and which is entitled to all five copyright rights "the right to reproduce the work, the right to prepare deriviative works, the right to distribute copies, the right to perform the work, and the right to display the work"(Patent copyright & trademark pg. 199) one of the most important copyright laws that i was disappointed she didnt even touch on was DRM "a term that encompasses various processes or methods of restricting usage of a copyrighted work" (Patent copyright & trademark pg. 221) for me its something that is important in today's streaming audio times but i guess this did not come up in my questions so that is my own fault. So all in all all of her rulings were correct and logical, i'm glad i used her as my lawyer.
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