Corporation's are scrambling to protect their products. Patent trolls are out there and all they want is to make money off of claims that i believe they should have no right to file.
a "patent troll is a disparaging term for someone who sues for patent infringement" - NOLO patent copyright and trademark law. When companies have to be afraid of loosing billions to members of the general public its a frightening affair. Members of the general public who have no interest in licensing and selling the invention should not have any right to claims about the products patents. "in other words the patent troll is in the business of suing companies not in the business of making or selling anything. A friendlier term for the practices is patent assertion company." NOLO patent copyright and trademark law. I don't believe that members of the general public assume themselves a company let alone to have any interest in selling these items. As the article states most companies do not keep up to date on their patents and should just reinvent a way to mark the patents in such a manner that this problem can be avoided. I mean i understand that yes this is a good way to keep corporations in check, and it also helps the inventors keep their cash flow rolling, but in a way this is a not a way to actually solve the problem it just creates a panic. I believe they should create a new way to keep patent laws in check without the general public being able to make money by catching corporations; we are not the government thus we should not enforce the law. Even the courts rules themselves that not every patent out of date warrants a case " the supreme court determined that courts should not automatically issue an injunction based on a finding of patent infringement." - NOLO patent copyright and trademark law. So even the courts themselves have ruled in the favor of the corporations but i truly don't believe that anything will change until a separate title or entity is created to check these patents instead of just allowing the general public to do so.
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